If you are not planning to use the administrator account to produce and use assets, add the account that you plan to use to the community. (如果不打算使用管理员账号生成和使用资产,就要添加计划使用的账号)。
If any fee under the intangible assets account is paid, no matter how much it is, the concerned party shall, according to the administrative regulations of the competent authorities, handle the relevant approval or registration procedures, and keep the relevant warrants for future reference. 对外支付无形资产项下费用的,无论金额大小,均应按相关主管部门管理规定办理有关核准或登记备案手续,并留存相关凭证备查。
Assets which do not really exist, but be enter as assets to balance the account 不真正存在的,但作为资产入帐使帐目平衡的资产
The dollar exchange rate is important because the US relies on hefty foreign purchases of securities and other assets to fund its current account deficit. 美元汇率相当重要,因为美国依赖于外国大量购买美国证券和其它资产,为美国经常账户赤字提供融资。
Any conflicting designations of the assets in your Account by will, revocable living trust or any other instrument. 在您帐户中由于遗嘱,可撤销安养信托或其它法律文件引起的任何冲突性的资产指定。
He adds: "as long as someone wants to hold your assets, a current account deficit of this size is sustainable indefinitely." 他补充道:“只要有人愿意持有你的资产,这种规模的经常账户赤字就能无限期地持续下去。”
Exploration on Fixed Assets Depreciation and Tax Account after Appreciation of Property Assessment in Limited Company 股份公司资产评估增值后固定资产折旧及计税帐务处理探讨
The listed company shall independently register such assets, independently set up account for such assets, and independently carry out business accounting and management for such assets. 上市公司应当对该资产独立登记、建帐、核算、管理。
In the uk, pension fund assets account for70% of personal sector saving. 在英国,养老基金的资产占到个人积蓄部分的70%。
Meanwhile, China was investing 11 per cent of GDP in low-yielding foreign assets, via its current account surplus. 与此同时,中国通过经常账户盈余将gdp的11%投资于低收益的海外资产。
A director or the general manager may not deposit company assets into an account in his own name or in any other individual's name. 董事、经理不得将公司资产以其个人名义或者以其他个人名义开立帐户存储。
Exactly how much banks will have to adjust the value of different assets they hold to account for different levels of risk is now the critical question. 目前的关键问题是,银行究竟必须在多大程度上调整它们持有的不同资产的价值,以便计入不同的风险水平。
All financial institutions have reconciliation procedures, where assets in each account are confirmed by another source. 所有金融机构都有帐目核对的程序,每个帐户中的资产都要由另一个来源确认。
Surplus of fixed assets should enter into account as the replacement value. 盘盈的固定资产按重置价值入帐;
Diverting funds into different assets risks diminishing the value of the existing portfolio, for example by selling US dollar assets, now estimated to account for 70 per cent of reserves. 将资金分流到不同的资产,有可能削弱现有投资组合的价值,比如出售美元资产&估计目前这部分资产占储备总额的70%。
But still, assets overseas account for less than 2 per cent of interest income. 可说到底,工行海外资产的利息收入还不到总数的2%。
For the fixed assets account for a large proportion in the total value of assets of enterprise, which is of great significant to ensure the assets'safety and integrity. 由于固定资产在企业资产总额中一般都占有较大的比例,确保企业资产安全、完整,意义重大。
Adopts the advanced technological means of the computer, different according to the funds, set up corresponding state-run assets account; 采用计算机等先进技术手段,按经费不同,建立相应国有资产账;
At present, there are some problems in using and managing fixed assets of government and institution such as imperfect internal control system, confusion management, low efficiency of fixed assets, bad account management system, and destroying fixed assets, and so on. 目前,行政事业单位在对固定资产使用和管理中存在着内部控制制度不健全,管理混乱,资产使用率不高,缺乏健全的账户管理体系,固定资产人为破坏现象严重等问题。
The Nature of Valuation On the Valuation and Re-e valuation of Intangible Assets& Disclosing of Account Information 价值评价的本质无形资产计价、重估价及会计信息披露问题研究
The Questions and Countermeasure on Management Career Units Capital Assets Account and Management 事业单位固定资产核算和管理中存在的问题及对策
The production function of commercial bank can be analyzed by their assets-liabilities account. 商业银行的生产函数可以由其资产-负债表加以解析。
There are five duties of liquidation obligors: the duty of dissolution registration, the duty of appointing liquidators, the duty of safekeeping assets and account books, the duty of complementing the contribution and the duty of returning the company's assets. 其义务有五项,分别是:进行解散登记的义务,选任清算人的义务,公司财产、帐册的善良保管义务,欠缴、抽逃出资的补足义务以及侵占公司财产的返还义务。
The establishment of account systems of the environmental accounting demands pushing on the "green" of the accounts and setting up green assets account, green liabilities account, green expenditure account and green income account. 环境会计账户体系的设置要求推进会计账户的绿色化,建立绿色资产账户、绿色负债账户、绿色支出账户、绿色收益账户;
Economics of China is developing rapidly now, to a large extent, the development of the economy dependent on an increase in investment in fixed assets, Which account for a large proportion of government investment projects. 我国现处于经济高速发展时期,经济水平的提高很大程度上依赖于固定资产投资的增加,其中政府投资项目占有很大比例。
I realized the uniform management in document, assets and account management. 该系统实现了对文档、资产、账号等方面的统一管理,提高了工作效率和管理水平。
With the idea of sustainable development, biological assets account attribute should not be limited to historical cost. 在可持续发展理念下,生物资产价值的计量属性,不应局限于传统的单一历史成本计量,而应包括面向市场、未来风险和不确定性的公允价值在内的多种计量模式。
In China, bank assets account for 90% of financial assets. As a result, banking system has holed the balance of modern economy in China. 在我国,银行资产占了整个金融资产90%以上,银行中介的重要作用和银行资产的绝对比重使得我国银行体系在现代经济中的作用举足轻重。
In China, bank assets account for over 90% of financial assets. As a result, Economic growth is largely dependent on the stable operation of banking system. Banking supervision is very important. 我国银行业总资产大约占全部金融资产的90%以上,经济增长在很大程度上要依赖于银行体系的稳健运行,银行监管的重要性不言而喻。
Then we study the stochastic differential portfolio games in the case that the two investors can invest in both of the two risky assets and the bank account. By using stochastic linear-quadratic control approach, we obtain the closed-form solutions to the game problems. 然后研究了两个投资者可投资于两种风险资产和一个无风险资产的投资组合博弈问题,应用线性二次控制方法得到该问题的显示解。